They’re Updating the AnnotatedTimeLine (for me?)


I was reading the Google Visualization groups today and 'VizGuy' responded that within the week, we should have the ability to set the format of the date/time in the upper-right hand corner of the AnnotatedTimeLine graph as well as setting the format of the numbers in the legend at the top of the graph. This is excellent news! This means that they are listening, and that I'll be able to get the format set before too much longer.

While I realize this isn't a big deal to Google, it's still a good indication that they are interested in moving this forward in response to user inputs. That's just the best news I've had all day.

Now I just need to sit tight for a few days... yup... it's gonna be tough.

[4/7] UPDATE: true to their word, the AnnotatedTimeLine now has a dateFormat preferences value that does exactly what I wanted it to do. I love it. Excellent work, Google.