Making Cocoa and CoreGraphics Play Nice Together


I was doing a little work on the CorePlot code today - trying to get rid of a bug that's in the running of the test app, and likely to be in all applications based on the CorePlot framework. It has to do with the fact that CoreAnimation is checking the ivars of the subclasses and making sure they are encodable in it's scheme of things. Not that it's necessary, but maybe it is internally.

In any case, I was remembering this article where there's a simple compile-time definition for the framework that forces the Cocoa and CoreGraphics datatypes to be interchangeable. This would have been really nice, but it's not for the more complex data structures like NSDecimal, which is the problem I'm having at the moment.

However, this is really something to hold onto as it's bound to come up several times in the project, and I wanted to be able to put my finger on it quickly.