Software Updates: Java for Mac OS X and Security Update 2009-001


This morning I noticed that Apple had released two updates on Software Updates: Apple Java for Mac OS X 10.5 Update 3, and Security Update 2009-001. The Security Update is pretty obvious - there's a few underlying libraries that have exploits in them and these are the patches. I've read that it includes the Safari RSS security problem written up a while ago. Good enough. The more interesting one to me is the update of Java.

It's supposed to update the Java WebStart which is interesting as I've been using it for quite a while now, and I'm convinced that it's a valuable way to deploy a Java app to remote sites with auto-updating. Very slick. Also, they are supposed to have worked on the applet functionality. Again, good news.

So it was a reboot, and that's a pain, but maybe someday they'll have a "restore state" for the entire login and then it won't be so bad. Yeah... that would be very nice...