Somedays I’m Convinced that My Laptop Bag is My Purse


I've been carrying a decent laptop for a lot of years. I've come to rely on it not only for electronic documentation (which was the first use I had), but also for staying connected, using online docs, keeping my calendar... just about everything. And my backpack is like a purse. There's everything in there I'd possible ever need.

I have a flashlight... and spare batteries... and a spare batter for my cell phone... and a PSP for games if I get bored on the train... and my Kindle... and a magnetic screwdriver... and the train schedule... and band-aids... and my iPod Touch... and my paper documents from work. You name it, I've got it. If I need it, I can reach into that guy and pull it out.

The same is true for my laptop. Just this afternoon, a friend chatted me asking me what I had planned for the long weekend. Long weekend? I had no idea what he meant. Why? Because I hadn't put in the holiday calendar for the year (2009) yet. When I pulled that up on the corporate web site and checked - sure enough, Monday is Martin Luther King Day, and we have off! Sweet!

So I put in the Holiday calendar and away I go - good for another year.

Of course, iCal is about the best little free calendar app I can imagine. I can move individual events in a series around if I need to - without interrupting the series. That's great for holidays on Monday when I need to send in my weekly hours on Friday because that Monday I'll be out. It's just a fantastic little tool. Love it.

It's just funny to realize I would have come in without knowing this. Silly me.