Some May Call it Tedious, I Call it Interesting


I'm still on the trail of the problems in the message bus API. I stayed a little late last night to try a few things while my price injector wasn't injecting ticks. Turns out, I learned a bit, but then this morning I learned quite a bit more. It's getting downright interesting.

First, last night, when I wasn't injecting prices, I would see the poll() working as it should. This morning, I noticed that as soon as I started sending price messages, I started getting tons of poll() hits on the incoming message socket. Why on earth are they doing that?

More to the point, the poll() loop was working perfectly and I could cross that off my list. It was certainly a possibility that the polling loop was just stopping - an error, an exception, something could have stopped it and that would explain it. However, this morning, I saw the polling loop running like a champ, but the messages I sent this morning were not getting delivered to my code.

Interesting fact #2: the act of sending a message in this API causes the system poll() to return true even when there's no data waiting at the socket. I can imagine a few reasons why this might be the case, but all of them are pretty bad. The criteria for a positive result from poll() should always mean that there's data there on the socket waiting to be read. But clearly, this is not the case with this API.

So one good, one bad. What I'm left with is that I needed to add in more logging on the processing of the message data stream and hope that it's a trap-able error in the code I can control. If not, then there's no hope for a solution on my end, and I'll have to football all this information back to the vendor and hope that they can figure this out with the data I provide them.

I'm not holding my breath.