The Perfect Tempo
There are days... understandably rare... where the tempo is just perfect. I'm fortunate today to be having one of those days. Not too fast, not too slow. I'm able to help people with problems, do some good coding, write it all up nicely so there's documentation on the changes... it's been a wonderful morning.
Of course, now that I've written this down, watch it change, but even that's OK. A morning like this is better than none, and if I'm fortunate enough to stretch it out to a day... well... even better.
I've been talking a lot with some friends about where I'd like my career to go. Theirs too... it seems to be a common theme recently. I'm focusing on the idea of becoming an indie Mac developer. I've done the self-employed thing already with my old company, but this time I think I'd do it solo, or with very few people. Something I could do out of the office in the basement.
I figure that if I get one app that can net $250k I can be totally debt free. At that point, I only need living expenses and that's a lot less than the house, etc. After that, I can get another job that's not as demanding, and build the second app. Get three or four apps and you're able to have that be your job.
It's something I'd really love doing. That's my path.