Getting a Little Concerned About PHP and PostgreSQL Support


I've been using PHP and PostgreSQL for a long time. I'm talking like in excess of 7 years. I love the database and the language, I like the fact that they work well together, and apart. I've been using them for a very long time and very happy about it. Lately, however, I've gotten a little concerned about the continuation of PHP and PostgreSQL on Mac OS X. Specifically, Marc Liyanage has been providing wonderful packages for PHP and PostgreSQL that work wonderfully well together. But it seems he hasn't released an update in a very long time.

In fact, Apple's PHP version is more up to date, and that's saying something.

Apple's PHP has support for MySQL, but nothing for PostgreSQL, so I can't really use that. If I switch to MySQL I can use Apple's stuff and the packages from MySQL which reportedly are pretty decent, but again, I'm learning a new database and that's not a horrible thing, but it's not something I really want to do, either.

If I wanted to build these myself, then I'd have to build PostgreSQL... use that and the Apache2 on Mac OS X to build PHP, and then I'd be OK. But that puts me in the middle of the build process, and honestly, I'd rather have something that I can update and not have to mess with. Sure, it may sound like I'm lazy, but if I go to the hassle of doing this, I might as well put Marc out of business and start updating the builds myself.

Maintaining a build of PHP and another of PostgreSQL might be OK, but there's a lot of people already doing one of these - it's the combination that I'm looking for. With linux, I get it all for free, but that's because they expect you to want that as an option. It'd be nice to see Apple just throw in the PostgreSQL support into PHP and then point to an installer like they do with MySQL.

But I'm worried this is not going to happen. Maybe I need to just email him and ask him straight away if he's stopped doing the builds. At least then I can make a decision to go to MySQL or try to go the route of the builds. Certainly, if I do the latter, and Marc is out of the game, then I'll have his build scripts to work off of, which isn't horrible.

Lots to think about... unfortunately, nothing really looks all that appealing. Probably the path of least resistance is to get MySQL on my Macs and then use the Apple PHP and be done with it. This way, I don't have to worry about continued support - they seem to have made a choice, and will most likely stick with it.

UPDATE: while I was finishing this up I decided to see if PostgreSQL had a pre-built package for Mac OS X like MySQL does. Turns out, they do. With this, I can be up to date on PostgreSQL without having to depend on Marc. I only need to find a way to get PHP support based on this build. Nice to know.

I ended up sending him messages on his support BB... one for PostgreSQL and another for PHP. We'll see if he replies, or if someone else replies. I can see building PHP like Marc does, but how difficult that might be I do not know.