Very Nice Simplicity in Javascript

March 25th, 2025

One of the things I really like coding is when a simple solution presents itself. There are a lot of times when a language and toolkit really give you only the preferred method to do something. But every now and then, a language will really lend itself to be able to solve the same problem in several different ways, and a toolkit will embrace that philosophy.

This morning I ran into the situation with a simple Bootstrap modal dialog.

This is what I had originally:

  <a id="changeOwner" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#contact_modal">Owner:</a>
    $('#contact_modal').on('', function(e) {
      console.log('loading contacts from service...');

and for the most part, this was working just fine. But occasionally, I would notice that clicking on the link didn't show the modal window, and no amount of clicking would solve the issue. It's as if something on the page load that time left the modal in a state where it just wasn't able to be raised. No errors. Just nothing happened.

So I thought: Why not be more overt about it?, and so I changed the structure to be:

  <a id="changeOwner" onClick="pullUpOwners();">Owner:</a>
    function pullUpOwners() {
      console.log('loading contacts from service...');

where we are now just had the link directly call the function, and the function directly tell the modal to show itself. The state of the modal was then unimportant, and the acts are now being far more overt. This is a lot more overt, and in the end - simpler.

The great news is that this new method works every time. There are no mis-loadings and possible bad modal states. This makes the click reliable and that's really the point of this... to gain the reliability the previous method didn't have.

It's really nice to see that such a simple change yields the exact results I was looking for. 🙂

Parsing JSON with wrap-json-body

March 19th, 2025


I have been making good progress on the Clojure app, and then got to handling a PUT call, and realized that the current scheme I was using for parsing the :body of the compojure request really was not what I wanted. After all, the Content-type is set to application/json in the call, so there should be a way for the ring middleware to detect this, and parse the JSON body so that the :body of the request is a Clojure map, and not something that has to be parsed.

So I went digging...

As it turns out, there is a set of ring middleware for JSON parsing, and the middleware I needed was already written: wrap-json-body and to use it really is quite simple:

  (:require [camel-snake-kebab.core :refer [->kebab-case-keyword]]
            [ring.middleware.json :refer [wrap-json-body]])
  (def app
    "The actual ring handler that is run -- this is the routes above
     wrapped in various middlewares."
    (let [backend (session-backend {:unauthorized-handler unauthorized-handler})]
      (-> app-routes
          (wrap-access-rules {:rules rules :on-error unauthorized-handler})
          (wrap-authorization backend)
          (wrap-authentication backend)
          (wrap-json-body {:key-fn ->kebab-case-keyword})
          (wrap-defaults site-defaults*)

where the key middleware is:

          (wrap-json-body {:key-fn ->kebab-case-keyword})

and it takes the ->kebab-case-keyword function to apply to each of the keys of the parsed JSON, and for me, that makes them keywords, and kebab-cased. This means I only have to have the right spelling in the client code, and I don't care a whit about the casing - very nice. 🙂

With this, an element of a defroutes can look like:

    (POST "/login" [:as {session :session body :body}]
      (do-login session body))

and the body will be parsed JSON with keywords for keys, and the kebab case. You can't get much nicer than that. Clean, simple, code. Beautiful.

Writing buddy-auth Authorization Handlers

March 14th, 2025


As I'm building out the core functionality of my current application, the next thing I really wanted to add were a few Authorization handlers for the buddy-auth system I started using with WebAuthN Authentication. The WebAuthN started with a simple Is this user logged in? handler:

  (defn is-authenticated?
    "Function to check the provided request data for a ':user' key, and if it's
    there, then we can assume that the user is valid, and authenticated with the
    passkey. This :user is on the request because the wrap-user middleware put
    it there based on the :session data containing the :identity element and we
    looked up the user from that."
    [{user :user :as req}]
    (uuid? (:id user)))

In order for this to work properly, we needed to make a wrap-user middleware so that if we had a logged in user in the session data, then we would place it in the request for compojure to pass along to all the other middleware, and the routes themselves. This wasn't too hard:

  (defn wrap-user
    "This middleware is for looking at the :identity in the session data, and
    picking up the complete user from their :email and placing it on the request
    as :user so that it can be used by all the other endpoints in the system."
    (fn [{session :session :as req}]
      (handler (assoc req :user (get-user (:email (:identity session)))))))

and this middleware used a function, get-user to load the complete user object from the database based on the email of the user. It's not all that hard, but there are some tricks about the persistence of the Passkey Authenticator object that have to be serialized, and I've already written about that a bit.

And this works perfectly because the WebAuthN workflow deposits the :identity data in the session, and since it's stored server-side, it's safe, and with ring session state persisted in redis, we have this survive restarts, and shared amongst instances in a load balancer. But what about something a little more specific? Like, say we have an endpoint that returns the details of an order, but only if the user has been permission to see the order?

This combines Roll-Based Access Control (RBAC), and Attribute-Based Access Control (ABAC) - and while some will say you only need one, that's really not the best way to build a system because there are times when you need some of both to make the solution as simple as possible.

In any case, this is what we need to add:

  • For a user, can they actually see the order in the database? This can be a question of the schema and data model, but there will likely be a way to determine if the user was associated with the order, and if so, then they can see it, and if not, then they can't.
  • Most endpoint conventions have the identifier as the last part of the URL - the Path, as it is referred to. We will need to be able to easily extract the Path from the URL, or URI, in the request, and then use that as the identifier of the order.
  • Put these into an authentication handler for buddy-auth.

For the first, I made a simple function to see if the user can see the order:

  (defn get-user-order
    "Function to take a user id and order id and return the user/order
    info, if any exists, for this user and this order. We then need to
    look up the user-order, and return the appropriate map - if one exists."
    [uid oid]
    (if (and (uuid? uid) (uuid? oid))
      (db/query ["select * from users_orders
                   where user_id = ? and order_id = ?" uid oid]
        :row-fn kebab-keys-deep :result-set-fn first)))

For the second, we can simply look at the :uri in the request, and split it up on the /, and then take the last one:

  (defn uri-path
    "When dealing with Buddy Authentication handlers, it's often very useful
    to be able to get the 'path' from the request's uri and return it. The
    'path' is defined to be:
    and is the last part of the url *before* the query params. This is very
    often a uuid of an object that we need to get, as it's the one being
    requested by the caller."
    [{uri :uri :as req}]
    (if (not-empty uri)
      (last (split uri "/"))))

For the last part, we put these together, and we have a buddy-auth authorization handler:

  (defn can-see-order?
    "Function to take a request, and pull out the :user from the wrapping
    middleware, and pick the last part of the :uri as that will be the
    :order-id from the URL. We then need to look up the user-order, and
    see if this user can see this order."
    [{user :user :as req}]
    (if-let [hit (get-user-order (:id user) (->uuid (uri-path req)))]
      (not-nil? (some #{"OPERATOR"} (:roles hit)))))

in this function we see that we are referring to :roles on the user-order, and that's because we have built up the cross-reference table in the database to look like:

    id              uuid NOT NULL,
    version         INTEGER NOT NULL,
    as_of           TIMESTAMP WITH TIME zone NOT NULL,
    by_user         uuid,
    user_id         uuid NOT NULL,
    roles           jsonb NOT NULL DEFAULT '[]'::jsonb,
    title           VARCHAR,
    description     VARCHAR,
    order_id        uuid NOT NULL,
    created_at      TIMESTAMP WITH TIME zone NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (id, version, as_of)

The key parts are the user_id and order_id - the mapping is many-to-many, so we have to have a cross-reference table to handle that association. Along with these, we have some metadata about the reference: the title of the User with regard to this order, the description of the relationship, and even the roles the User will have with regards to this order.

The convention we have set up is that of the roles contains the string OPERATOR, then they can see the order. The Postgres JSONB field is ideal for this as it allows for a simple array of strings, and it fits right into the data model.

With all this, we can then make a buddy-auth access rule that looks like:

   {:pattern #"^/orders/[-0-9a-fA-F]{36}"
    :request-method :get
    :handler {:and [is-authenticated? can-see-order?]}}

and the endpoints that match that pattern will have to pass both the handlers and we have exactly what we wanted without having to place any code in the actual routes or functions to handle the authorization. Nice. 🙂

Working with java.time in Clojure

March 11th, 2025


I've been working on a new Clojure project, and since I last did production Clojure work, the Joda Time library has been deprecated, and the move has been to the Java 8 java.time classes. The functionality is basically the same, but the conversion isn't, and one of the issues is that the JDBC Postgres library will return Date and Timestamp objects - all based on java.util.Date.

As it turns out, the conversion isn't as easy as I might have hoped. 🙂

For the most part, it's just a simple matter of using different functions, but the capabilities are all there in the Clojure library. The one key is the conversion with Postgres. There, we have the protocol set up to help with conversions:

  (:require [java-time.api :as jt])
  (extend-protocol IResultSetReadColumn
    (result-set-read-column [pgobj metadata idx]
      (let [type  (.getType pgobj)
            value (.getValue pgobj)]
        (case type
          "json" (json/parse-string-strict value true)
          "jsonb" (json/parse-string-strict value true)
    (result-set-read-column [ts _ _]
      (jt/zoned-date-time (.toLocalDateTime ts) (jt/zone-id)))
    (result-set-read-column [ts _ _]
      (.toLocalDate ts)))

and the key features are the last two. These are the conversions of the SQL Timestamp into java.time.ZonedDateTime and Date into java.time.LocalDate values.

As it turns out, the SQL values have Local date, and time/date accessors, and so converting to a Zoned timestamp, just means picking a convenient zone, as the
offset is carried in the LocalDateTime already. Using the system default is as
good as any, and keeps things nicely consistent.

With these additions, the data coming from Postgres 16 timestamp and date columns is properly massaged into something that can be used in Clojure with the rest of the library. Very nice!

UPDATE: Oh, I missed a few things, so let's get it all cleared up here now. The protocol extensions, above, are great for reading out of the Postgres database. But what about inserting values into the Postgres database? This needs a slightly different protocol to be extended:

  (defn value-to-jsonb-pgobject
    "Function to take a _complex_ clojure data element and convert it into
    JSONB for inserting into postgresql 9.4+. This is the core of the mapping
    **into** the postgres database."
    (doto (PGobject.)
          (.setType "jsonb")
          (.setValue (json/generate-string value))))
  (extend-protocol ISQLValue
    (sql-value [value] (value-to-jsonb-pgobject value))
    (sql-value [value] (value-to-jsonb-pgobject value))
    (sql-value [value] (value-to-jsonb-pgobject value))
    (sql-value [value] (value-to-jsonb-pgobject value))
    (sql-value [value] (value-to-jsonb-pgobject value))
    (sql-value [value] (jt/format :iso-offset-date-time value))
    (sql-value [value] (jt/format :iso-local-date value)))

basically, we need to tell the Clojure JDBC code how to map the objects, Java or Clojure, into the SQL values that the JDBC driver is expecting. In the case of the date and timestamp, that's not too bad as Postgres will cast from strings to the proper values for the right formats.

But there remains a third set of key values - the Parameters to PreparedStatement objects. This is key as well, and they need to be SQL objects, but here the casting isn't done by Postgres as it is in the JDBC Driver, and that needs proper Java SQL objects. For this, we need to add:

  (extend-protocol ISQLParameter
    (set-parameter [value ^PreparedStatement stmt idx]
      (.setTimestamp stmt idx (jt/instant->sql-timestamp (jt/instant value))))
    (set-parameter [value ^PreparedStatement stmt idx]
      (.setDate stmt idx (jt/sql-date value))))

Here, the Clojure java-time library handles the date easily enough, and I just need to take the ZonedDateTime into a java.time.Instant, and then the library again takes it from there.

These last two bits are very important for the full-featured use of the new Java Time objects and Postgres SQL. But it's very worth it.

Installing Redis on macOS

March 8th, 2025

Redis Database

I have always liked redis as a wonderful example of very targeted software done very well. It's a single-threaded C app that does one thing, very well, and in the years since I started using it, it's only gotten better. As I've been building a new Clojure web app, one of the things I wanted to take advantage of, was the stored session state, specifically so that when I have multiple boxes running the code, they can all share the one session state - and quickly.

I've been getting my WebAuthN authentication going, and that is using session state as the place to store the :identity of the logged in user. After I worked out the serialization of the Authenticator for WebAuthN, I then turned my attention to persisting the session state with Ring's SessionStore.

I've started using Ring's wrap-defaults middleware. It's easily added to the options for wrap-defaults with:

  ; pull in the wrapper and base defaults
  (:require [ring.middleware.defaults :refer [wrap-defaults site-defaults]])
  ; augment the site defaults with the SessionStore from Carmine
  (def my-site-defaults
    (assoc site-defaults
      :session {:flash true
                :store (carmine-store)}))
  ; put it in the stack of the app routes...
  (-> app-routes
      (wrap-access-rules {:rules rules :on-error unauthorized-handler})
      (wrap-authorization backend)
      (wrap-authentication backend)
      (wrap-defaults my-site-defaults)

I've been a huge fan of carmine for many years, as it's a pure Clojure library for redis, and it's exceptionaly fast.

But first, I needed to install redis locally so that I can do laptop development and not have to have a connection to a hosted service. Simply:

  $ brew install redis

and then to make sure it's started through launchd, simply:

  $ brew services start redis

just like with Postgres. It's really very simple.

At this point, restarting the web server will automatically store the session data in the locally running redis, and for production deployments, it's easy enough to use redis cloud, or redis at AWS, Google Cloud, etc. It's super simple, and it's exceptionally reliable.

The web server can now be restarted without impact to the customers as redis has their session state, and postgres has their Authenticator for WebAuthN.

Persisting Java Objs within Clojure

March 6th, 2025


For the last day or so I've been wrestling with a problem using WebAuthN on a Clojure web app based on compojure and ring. There were a few helpful posts that got be in the right direction, and using Buddy helps, as it handles a lot of the route handling, but getting the actual WebAuthN handshake going was a bit of a pain.

The problem was that after the Registration step, you end up with a Java Object, an instance of com.webauthn4j.authenticator.AuthenticatorImpl and there is no simple way to serialize it out for storage in a database, so it was time to get creative.

I did a lot of digging, and I was able to find a nice way to deserialize the object, and return a JSON object, but there was no way to reconstitute it into an AuthenticatorImpl, so that had to be scrapped.

Then I found a reference to an Apache Commons lang object that supposedly was exactly what I wanted... it would serialize to a byte[], and then deserialize from that byte[] into the object. Sounds good... but I needed to save it in a Postgres database. Fair enough... let's Base64 encode it into a string, and then decode it on the way out.

The two key functions are very simple:

  (:import org.apache.commons.lang3.SerializationUtils
  (def not-nil? (complement nil?))
  (defn obj->b64s
    "This is a very useful function for odd Java Objects as it is an Apache tool
    to serialize the Object into a byte[], and then convert that into a Base64
    string. This is going to be very helpful with the persistence of objects to
    the database, as for some of the WebAuthN objects, it's important to save
    them, as opposed to re-creating them each time."
    (if (not-nil? o)
      (.encodeToString (Base64/getEncoder) (SerializationUtils/serialize o))))
  (defn b64s->obj
    "This is a very useful function for odd Java Objects as it is an Apache tool
    to deserialize a byte[] into the original Object that was serialized with
    obj->b64s. This is going to be very helpful with the persistence of objects
    to the database, as for some of the WebAuthN objects, it's important to save
    them, as opposed to re-creating them each time."
    (if (not-nil? s)
      (SerializationUtils/deserialize (.decode (Base64/getDecoder) s))))

These then fit into the saving and querying very simply, and it all works out just dandy. 🙂 I will admit, I was getting worried because I was about to regenerate the AuthenticatorImpl on each call, and that would have been a waste for sure.

The complete WebAuthN workflow is the point of another post, and a much longer one at that. But this really made all the difference.

Making Myself less Valuable to Meta

February 24th, 2025


This week, John Oliver did a piece about Meta and how it's removal of it's moderation policies is going to make the platform much worse for folks. In the piece, he posted a list of things to do to remove yourself from advertising - at least as much as possible, for Facebook and Instagram.

So I decided to do just that, and interestingly enough, the Instagram steps can be done within the Instagram iOS app - so I did. This was simple enough, and now I don't enrich Meta quite as much when I look for things from the family. I feel better.

Updated to Textual 7 – Standalone

February 21st, 2025

Yesterday I noticed that Textual 7 was removed from the App Store, and they took it Standalone with a separate license from the authors. I have the App Store version, so I asked - in Textual 🙂 - what the process was for upgrading to the Standalone version.

While I waited for an answer, I kept looking on the company website, and sure enough, they had a set of instructions for how to get a license from an App Store version. So this morning, I followed those instructions, and now have the latest version of Textual 7 with a new Standalone license from the authors.

I get the reason they left the App Store... the license only costs $10, so it's not like they make a ton of money on the app... so it makes sense to try and keep what they get. And I run it all the time, so it's not like I wouldn't have paid $10 for a new license, if that's what was needed. But this was really nice of them to offer a path.

Vim Text File Specific Settings

February 20th, 2025


I have been trying to set Vim settings, specific for text files, in my .vimrc for the longest of time, and I really wanted to get this figured out this morning. So here we go.

It's all about the autocmd, or au, command, and you can set it up pretty easily. What I had in the past was:

  autocmd FileType md
  \    set ai sw=2 sts=2 et
  autocmd FileType txt
  \    set ai sw=2 sts=2 et

where, in these two examples, I'm trying to set the autoindent to ON, the shiftwidth to 2, the softtabstop to 2 and expandtab to ON. And it wasn't working for files like goof.txt and for the life of me I could not figure this out.

And then it hit me - I had a FileType of javascript in the file, what if Vim needed to have text for the FileType? So let's try:

  autocmd FileType markdown
  \    set ai sw=2 sts=2 et
  autocmd FileType text
  \    set ai sw=2 sts=2 et

And all of a sudden, it worked like a charm. I also tried markdown using the same reasoning. I guess that goes to show me that Vim is interpreting the file extension, and not literally using it as the FileType. Smart. Appreciated.

Upgraded to Postgres 16.7

February 20th, 2025


I noticed that Postgres 16 was updated in Homebrew, so I took the time to upgrade the installation on my MacBook Pro, and it was remarkably easy. Because it was a simple "dot" upgrade, the installer did all the heavy lifting:

 $ brew upgrade postgresql@16

and then when it was done, simply restart the service with:

 $ brew services restart postgresql@16

And that was it. Everything is up and running just fine. What a treat. 🙂

This is the second "dot" upgrade I've done with Postgres 16 and Homebrew, and I just can't get over how clean and simple it is. I've checked all the databases, and they are good, and everything is fine.