Updated to Textual 7 – Standalone

February 21st, 2025

Yesterday I noticed that Textual 7 was removed from the App Store, and they took it Standalone with a separate license from the authors. I have the App Store version, so I asked - in Textual 🙂 - what the process was for upgrading to the Standalone version.

While I waited for an answer, I kept looking on the company website, and sure enough, they had a set of instructions for how to get a license from an App Store version. So this morning, I followed those instructions, and now have the latest version of Textual 7 with a new Standalone license from the authors.

I get the reason they left the App Store... the license only costs $10, so it's not like they make a ton of money on the app... so it makes sense to try and keep what they get. And I run it all the time, so it's not like I wouldn't have paid $10 for a new license, if that's what was needed. But this was really nice of them to offer a path.

Vim Text File Specific Settings

February 20th, 2025


I have been trying to set Vim settings, specific for text files, in my .vimrc for the longest of time, and I really wanted to get this figured out this morning. So here we go.

It's all about the autocmd, or au, command, and you can set it up pretty easily. What I had in the past was:

  autocmd FileType md
  \    set ai sw=2 sts=2 et
  autocmd FileType txt
  \    set ai sw=2 sts=2 et

where, in these two examples, I'm trying to set the autoindent to ON, the shiftwidth to 2, the softtabstop to 2 and expandtab to ON. And it wasn't working for files like goof.txt and for the life of me I could not figure this out.

And then it hit me - I had a FileType of javascript in the file, what if Vim needed to have text for the FileType? So let's try:

  autocmd FileType markdown
  \    set ai sw=2 sts=2 et
  autocmd FileType text
  \    set ai sw=2 sts=2 et

And all of a sudden, it worked like a charm. I also tried markdown using the same reasoning. I guess that goes to show me that Vim is interpreting the file extension, and not literally using it as the FileType. Smart. Appreciated.

Upgraded to Postgres 16.7

February 20th, 2025


I noticed that Postgres 16 was updated in Homebrew, so I took the time to upgrade the installation on my MacBook Pro, and it was remarkably easy. Because it was a simple "dot" upgrade, the installer did all the heavy lifting:

 $ brew upgrade postgresql@16

and then when it was done, simply restart the service with:

 $ brew services restart postgresql@16

And that was it. Everything is up and running just fine. What a treat. 🙂

This is the second "dot" upgrade I've done with Postgres 16 and Homebrew, and I just can't get over how clean and simple it is. I've checked all the databases, and they are good, and everything is fine.

Upgraded to Java 17.0.14 and 11.0.26

February 20th, 2025


I have been looking at starting some projects in Clojure for work, and I thought it would be good for me to get the latest JDK 17 from Homebrew and Temurin. As it turns out, the latest for JDK 17 is now JDK 17.0.4, and since I had a slightly older version of that version, and the Homebrew name changed, I had to:

  $ brew tap homebrew/cask

and then to actually update it:

  $ brew install --cask temurin@17

When I checked:

  $ java -version
  openjdk version "17.0.14" 2025-01-21
  OpenJDK Runtime Environment Temurin-17.0.14+7 (build 17.0.14+7)
  OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Temurin-17.0.14+7 (build 17.0.14+7, mixed mode, sharing)

which is exactly what I was hoping for.

As an interesting note, the re-tapping of the cask updated the name of temurin11 to temurin@11, and I updated JDK 11 as well - why not? It's at 11.0.26, and I might use it... you never know.

Now I'm up-to-date with both versions, and I can easily switch from one to the other with the shell function I wrote. Excellent! 🙂

Fire off a Promise

April 19th, 2024

This morning I was thinking about the interrogation of the Promise in Node, and it was a little bothering to me that there was no way to easily see if it was complete. Then I thought - Maybe there is a different way? So I decided to give this a try.

The use-case is this: I want to be able to fire off a request to another Service, and maybe it'll get back to me in time, and maybe it won't. Either way, I don't want to wait. I have other work to do that must get done. So I want to fire this Promise off, and then, if it's done when I need its result - Great! If not, then Also Great!

But the normal:

  const foo = await callAsyncFunction()

isn't going to work, because that will wait until it's done. So how to work this out?

It turns out that it's not too hard.

  const { setTimeout } = require('timers/promises')
  const runTest = async () => {
    let done = false
    const foo = setTimeout(5000).then((val) => done = true)
    for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
      console.log('FOO', foo, done)
      await setTimeout(1000)
    .then(() => console.log('All done running Timing test.'))
    .finally(() => process.exit())

and when I run this:

  $ node foo.js
  FOO Promise { <pending> } false
  FOO Promise { <pending> } false
  FOO Promise { <pending> } false
  FOO Promise { <pending> } false
  FOO Promise { <pending> } false
  FOO Promise { true } true
  FOO Promise { true } true
  FOO Promise { true } true
  FOO Promise { true } true
  FOO Promise { true } true
  All done running Timing test.

So all we need to do is to have a variable that indicates the state of the completeness, and then return that in the .then() call. Sure, it may make a lot more sense to have:

    const foo = setTimeout(5000).then((val) => {
      done = true
      return val

so that we get the value back into foo, but that's easy... the point is to toggle the variable in that .then() and query that, as needed.

This way, I don't have to worry about any unsupported ways of finding out, it's simple. 🙂

Upgraded to Postgres 16.2

March 26th, 2024


I noticed that Postgres 16 was updated in Homebrew, so I took the time to upgrade the installation on my MacBook Pro, and it was remarkably easy. Because it was a simple "dot" upgrade, the installer did all the heavy lifting:

 $ brew upgrade postgresql@16

and then when it was done, simply restart the service with:

 $ brew services restart postgresql@16

And that was it. Everything is up and running just fine. What a treat. 🙂

Installing New TV

January 27th, 2024


This morning it was time to see about installing the new TV I ordered and was delivered this week. It's a nice Sony, with good reviews, and it should last me another 10 yrs like the last one, but as with the last one, the installation of a 75" TV by myself is going to be a little bit of a challenge.

That's why I didn't try to install it when it arrived on Wednesday. Better to wait until I had loads of time, like today, to unbox it, get it all ready to go, and if I can't get it in myself, then my daughter is coming over later to help. We will see... keep a positive outlook, and don't push it... it's not small, that's for sure.

Shucks – the TV Went Out

January 6th, 2024


This morning I turned on the TV in the living room and there was a dark region about 40% of the screen right in the middle of the display. Now this has been a good TV for me for about 10 years, no problems at all, but this kind of thing usually means replacement, because at 70", the replacement cost is about the same as the repair cost.

I'll give it a few days, but if it doesn't clear up with some power-cycling and cable checks, then it's a goner, and I need to be looking for a replacement.

Happy Birthday to Me!

December 31st, 2023


It's been another trip around the sun for me, and so I guess it's time to look back at the year, see what's gone well, see what I learned when things didn't go so well, and try to learn from everything that happened this year. I have to say, it's been a very good year in many respects, and I've learned a lot about dealing with situations that I find myself in, that I wish I weren't.

I will admit that I'm a touch surprised that there isn't more snow, or any to speak of, but that will come soon enough, and for now, it's just nice to enjoy the weather we're having.

I am very lucky... I have all that I need, and most of what I want. 🙂

Merry Christmas!

December 25th, 2023

Christmas Tree

It's been a nice, quiet Christmas here, and that's about all I could possibly ask for. I've treated it much like a normal Monday, with a morning run, and then crossword, and checking what's happening at work.

No major issues for work today, but a few little things that needed to be done. Not bad at all... 🙂